Monday, April 20, 2009

Houston, We Are Cleared for Launch...

Okay I am off to the hospital...  I have taken The Boy to school and dropped him off.  I managed to hold it together until I got into the car where I cried a little bit, but other than that I am feeling pretty good.  Ready to meet my little daughter.  

This whole no eating and drinking thing before surgery SUCKS!!  I am so thirsty I might die and making a 9 month pregnant person go without food until almost noon is just cruel.  Just sayin'...

The surgery is scheduled for 11:30am so hopefully we will be close to on time.  I will be offline for a few days obviously, but my cousin is going to try and put a post up here to let you all know that the "deed is done" and give you some of the minor details.  If she can, she will post a picture.  I am not sure if I have internet service at the hospital, but if I do, I am going to try and get my step dad to bring me my laptop so that I can get some pictures onto it and give you all a proper post.

In the meantime, THANK YOU all for your kind emails and comments.  I can't tell you how much it meant to me going through this to read the little bits of encouragement and love.  I am a very lucky woman.  I will chat with you all after I am a mother of TWO!  Holy crap!

1 comment:

Yellzer said...

Best wishes for a safe delivery and a happy healthy baby girl!