Oh my god. You're a year old. How did that happen? Seriously. How the hell did that happen? But here we are. And my daughter...what an amazing year this has been.
I want you to know that you are pure joy and sunshine. You bring smiles and happiness wherever you go. I cannot even begin to list the ways you have enriched my life. I always knew I wanted two kids. Always. But what I didn't know is that I wanted you. I wanted the smiles and the love along with the defiant fist pumps. I wanted the confidence and strengths along with the strong-willed nature. I wanted it all and I wanted you. And here you are.
At a year old you weigh 19.13 pounds, you stand 28 3/4 inches tall (you are a little Peanut just like your Mommy--a delicate flower like I have been saying all along...). You have 6 teeth. Four on the top, two on the bottom. You wear size 12 month pants and size 12-18 month shirts. You crawl everywhere at speeds that amaze people. I am constantly hearing, "Damn...that girl can MOVE!" You stand up on everything and transfer between furniture while standing but don't yet take any steps on your own.
You have a list of words that you use in the proper context: Up, down, Mama, Gigi, all done, uh oh, poop poop, hi and bye, thanks, and you also will try and mimic any words we tell you to say. Today when we told you about the fish on the wall you said fish. You amaze me with your little vocabulary. We have an alarm on the house and therefore anytime a door opens there are three little beeps that sound. Every time you hear the beeps you look up and smile and yell, "HI!!!" as if every time I am going out to the garage it means that someone is here to see you. When Gigi picks up her purse to leave you look at her and say "Bye!!" The little voice is so damn sweet. Remind me of this when you're four and I would give anything to have a moment of silence. Because I seriously see that in my future. But right now, it is a welcome little voice.
You love your kitty lovey most of all. You are pretty fond of your binkys but you know they are for the crib only so when you get up you say, "bye bye" and then throw it over the edge of the crib when I take you out. You love your Mommy and your brother and your Gigi and you have a pretty special relationship with your Poppy as well. There are so many people who love you. Your favorite toys right now are a toy cow that has buttons on it that plays music when you push the buttons. You love that damn thing. You would kill a small army to get your hands on my car keys. Your brother's "Kevin" doll is something so coveted that when you actually get your little hands on it you go tearing out of the room to hide it so he doesn't snag it back. You love to dance to music and clap your hands and you basically just love life.
You are a good sleeper going from 8:00 at night until around 7:00 in the morning, although you get up sometime around 6:00ish to nurse and then go back to sleep. Speaking of nursing...WE MADE IT! I can't believe we did it but together, you and I, we exclusively nursed you for a full year. Mommy is probably more stoked on that accomplishment than you are, but damn girl...we did it. Now the challenge is going to be figuring out how to stop doing it. I have no intention of taking away your before bed and first thing in the morning nursing, but the days? The things that force me to pump? Yeah. Those have got to stop.
I chose not to give you a big birthday party because I don't think that's what you would have wanted. Too many people around and you get shy. You get clingy. You are at your best surrounded by just a few people that you love to death. So that's what we did. And I think I made the right call. I think you had a damn fine birthday. Here are some pictures from the big day. First thing in the morning I sat you on your bean bag for your last "bean bag photo" and I was greeted with this reaction:
1 comment:
awwwwwww!!! Happy (belated) Birthday to your beautiful and sweet girl! It is so crazy that our babes are one. How did time go so fast??
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