Monday, January 24, 2011

Too Hysterical to NOT Share...

I warned you that January would be a heavy photo posting month...I am still deep in the trenches that is my world in January...BUT! I picked these pictures up from The Boy's school today and they are just too hilarious to not share with you all. Enjoy!!


Laraf123 said...

Those are school pics? They look like you went to a studio and paid big bucks! Your son looks so happy--he must have had so much fun with all the dress-up props!

AuntFancy said...

Those are absolutely hilarious!! Especially the cop one.

K said...

Oh my god, these are a RIOT! I want to go to this photo studio! Except, I want Elliot to dress up as an Olympic wrestler (complete with foam dumbell) and perhaps a cable guy. ;-)

Too cute.

Ali said...

These completely kill me.