Thursday, February 11, 2010


I keep telling my mom how much money we have saved (since she "helps" out on buying my groceries a lot of the time) by breast feeding.

"Formula is SO expensive..." I tell her.

Yet I just realized that I have spent a total of $900 renting a hospital grade breast pump for 15 months. (I rent it for 5 months at a time for $300 and since The Girl will be 10 months old in a week, it was time to rent it again).

Please tell me that formula for 15 months would cost more than $900...



Dresden said...

oh man, formula is SOOOO expensive!
W self weaned at almost 10 months exactly (weeeeps!) and we have been doing formula. Even getting generic it is adding up.

Guinevere said...

I saw a figure that the cheapest (powdered) formula runs about $100 a month. AND, I am sure that there are health benefits to the breastmilk that tip things even more in the favor of what you are doing being cost-effective. :)

Does your insurance pick up some of the rental cost? When our lactation consultant suggested a hospital grade rental for the first month a lot of it got picked up by our insurance coverage. But we had already bought a pump so once supply was established we just used that one. (Medela freestyle, not cheap either.)

Carey said...

We spent a small fortune on breastfeeding too! What is supposed to be natural and free (and easy) most definitely was NOT for us!