Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Fluke, or turning point?

So I don't want to jinx anything so I am not making any official declarations or anything...BUT...this is the second night in a row that my boy has used the potty!!!  I am beside myself with joy.  Yesterday after his bath he was playing around in the bathroom naked (we have a little space heater in there so he was enjoying that) when he grabbed his [ahem] boy parts.  My mom asked him if he wanted to use the potty and he said yes.  So she put a little stool up to the regular potty (he wanted that one, NOT his little boy potty) and asked if he wanted to sit or stand (he had watched his Poppy going potty over the weekend and was fascinated with the standing).  He said stand but then decided he wanted to sit.  So he grabbed onto the sides of the big potty and held himself over it and went pee!  We all clapped and yelled for him and he got off and went around to flush.  Then he said, "again!" and did it again.  The first time was a little pee but each time after he was only eeking out like 3 drops.  But I don't care, that counts!  My mom was there, I was there and The Ex was there so we all made a huge fuss out of it.  After three times of going and flushing we got him dressed and he got a Thomas the train that he had been waiting for and knew he would only get when he used the potty.  He talked about the potty for the rest of the night.  But I was afraid it was a fluke...

So tonight I had considered putting him in big boy pants when he got home from school and trying again.  He came home in the foulest of moods and I quickly decided tonight wasn't the night to push the potty thing.  So we went about our evening.  After dinner he was talking to his Mom on the phone when she asked him if he was playing with the new train that he got for using the potty yesterday.  He said, "Bye bye Mom," and handed the phone back to me and said, "Mommy I go potty gan."  I asked if he wanted to go pee pee on the potty again and he said yes and ran in there.  So I stripped him down and got the stool and he climbed up.  This is the time of day when he goes poop almost every day so I told him that this was the perfect place to go poop if he had to and guess what?  He did!  Like yesterday with the pee pee, it was just the tiniest of bits, but enough to see brown on the potty bottom (I know, TMI, but I am excited).  Also like yesterday he had to get up and flush and then do it again.  We did this about 4 times and each time he either made a little poop or had some drops of pee pee.  With the poop thing I had to introduce wiping so now each time he wants a square of toilet paper to wipe, and then he throws that in the toilet before flushing and yelling, "One more!" and climbing back up.  He did it about 5 times until he told me he was done.  We celebrated (just the two of us this time) and then put on jammies and went out to have our celebratory lollipop (his choice).  I called his Mom and my mom and we all told him how proud we were of him and I came in here to write this blog entry when...

He came in and said, "Again potty Mommy.  More pee pee!"  And guess what?  He actually did it again.  He had his diaper on but he came and told me he had to go and he did.  Again, we are talking like a tiny little stream the first time and seriously like 2 drops each time after but I will take it.  Now again, I am not doing anything but documenting the first real times that my boy has used the potty.  I have no expectations of him (knocking on all sources of wood around me) and am not even using the phrase "...training," BUT we have two nights in a row.  And we have never had that before.  Pictured above, the many times before the last two nights when he would sit on his little potty and read books.  That's all he would do, mind you, is just sit there and read books.  He could sit there for an hour and not one drop of pee would come out.  But I thought the picture was appropriate.

Oh, and I have to mention that while all this is going on tonight, I am feeling my other little baby moving around inside me.  I have felt it for about a week on and off, not really sure if it's the little bundle or gas, but tonight it was pretty clear.  Good day.

1 comment:

AuntFancy said...

That's an awesome day! Yay Boy!!!