Thursday, November 18, 2010

Check Out the New Digs

Hi everyone,

Just a quick note to tell you to check out my new header and format of my blog. I take no responsibility whatsoever. A fabulous reader--who am I kidding--Calliope! offered to give me a little face lift to my old header as a holiday gift. How rad is she? (Although I may have given her a little cashola into her paypal as a thank you anyway because she's just THAT awesome...).

So if you're reading this through a reader, click through and check it out. And then go over to her site and give her some love (and some business!!)

Continue on with your day...


Anonymous said...

so great! and i had to click over, 'cuz some one very cool taught me all about blog readers. and now i am obsessed.

love you!

Laraf123 said...

Calliope is fantastic--I love her work and she is a great mom!

AuntFancy said...

Looks great!!